Reflexology is a holistic non-evasive treatment which works on the theory that the feet mirror the body and all organs, glands and other body parts can be mapped onto areas of the hands or feet called reflexes.
During a treatment pressure is applied to the reflexes of the hands or feet. This stimulation can activate various physiological processes within the body including:
* General detoxification
* Improved circulation of all fluids (Blood and Lymph)
* Neurological stimulation (this activates the healing process)
* Relieves congestion
* Re-balances all body functions
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During a treatment pressure is applied to the reflexes of the hands or feet. This stimulation can activate various physiological processes within the body including:
* General detoxification
* Improved circulation of all fluids (Blood and Lymph)
* Neurological stimulation (this activates the healing process)
* Relieves congestion
* Re-balances all body functions
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